
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You Would Think...

The way that this year started for our family you would think that we would be able to tolerate anything that comes our way.

You would think that nothing would be able to disturb me deep down in my soul, after hold Grey when he took his last breath.

I have to tell you, you would be wrong.

I feel like screaming like a girl.

I feel like crying and kicking and letting my nose run down my face like a small child throwing a tantrum. I feel like being sick. I'm starting to have trouble making sense of things.

Yesterday should have been a good, relaxing family day after all of the stress, worry and work that we as a family have put into helping Rep. Pierson and her Chief of Staff, Maureen make "Greyson's Law" a reality. We should have been able to bask in the knowledge that we have had such success and that things have gone so well.

Just as I have started to have a respect for the work done by our elected officials, I got a shock on yesterday morning. Maureen awakened me from sleeping late with a concerned phone call. She wanted Nicole and I to know that, after we thought Grey's bills were free and clear to proceed onto the Governor for signing and that things were just a matter of procedure, The Bill's are in real danger of not making it through the final stages in time before the close of the Legislative Secession.

The problem is not Greyson's Bill's or even a lack of support. It is the most petty and infuriating of problems... Petty, stupid partisan politics. The House Democrats don't like a Republican Voter Reform Bill and the Democrat leadership has decided to play games with proceedings to slow things to try and keep the Voter Reform Bill from coming up for a vote. The side effect of this is that any Bills that are in the way or after the controversial legislation are in real danger of dying because of not being addressed.

The Senate version of Greyson's Law (SB1720) is one of the endangered bills. It requires the House final approval before going to the Governor.

We still have the CSHB 1795 version from the House in the Senate that we expect to be passed by today, but Maureen informed us that Greyson's Law will pick up an amendment in the Senate as law makers try to save important legislation from certain death because of the situation in the House. It is expected that Greyson's Law will pick up HB 1886 (Screening Expectant Mother's for HIV & other sexually transmitted diseases so that medications can be administered to protect the baby after birth). Good Bill.

The problem is.... if we pick up an amendment, the Bill has to go back to the House for review and approval with the amendment. The House is paralyzed. There is a good chance that the review won't take place before the deadline for the end of the Legislative Secession.


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could give you and Nicole a hug.I am sorry to hear this latest snag, yes it is a snag.I know how hard you both worked at this, it might take a little bit longer.Let me know if there is anything I can do to help
    Grace(Krabbes Family)
